No you can log in as a guest, but just to make you aware by creating account with us it allows you to save and amend delivery addresses, Check the status of your order and review order history. Obviously, we would always recommend creating an account. Nevertheless, you can still check out as a ‘Guest’ without logging in if you wish.

On the ‘Sign in/Register’ page, click on the link ‘Forgot Your Password’ and you will be emailed a link that will allow you to reset it.

We are currently located in Dubai Mall – Fashion Avenue, Perfumery and Co, 2nd Floor

We collect your email to help us improve our service to you – we will never sell your email address to any other party, and you can opt out at any time using our website or customer services team. Our store assistants are happy to help. The Scentitude Shop makes a commitment to protecting your privacy and promises only to use information collected about you. Our detailed privacy policy can be found below.

You can change your account information using the User Control Panel. For basic profile details (including your email address and password), click on the ‘Edit Your Details’ option from within the User dashboard.

When you register (and also when you login using the form at the top of the screen), you will be given the option to ‘Remember Me’. This will store your identity securely in a cookie on your computer. If you are using a shared computer, such as in a library, school or internet cafe, or if you have reason to not trust any other users that might use this computer, we recommend you do not enable this.

For Technical assistance please email us on info@scentitude.com or call us on +971 4 254 1555

Once the order is placed, Unfortunately it cannot be amended online. We can cancel your order based on requests. Please email order@scentitude.com Note that, these requests will be answered during our opening hours.

The Scentitude Shop is an Authorised Brand Retailer for a huge range of fragrances. As such we take the quality of the products we sell very seriously. If you have received a faulty item it can be returned either by courier or to our store.

You are able to purchase gift cards online in denominations of AED 500, AED 1000 & AED 2000. These are only redeemable in our stores. We cannot currently accept gift cards online.

This is a brief outline of the most frequently asked questions that we receive. If you require any more information, or your question is not answered above please contact our friendly Customer Services Team on info@scentitude.com or +971 4 254 1555